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Fast Fourier Transforms

Just a quick update on the research I've done into FFTs. I understand a bit of the applications of Fourier transforms (at least in signal...

Audio Visualizer in Unity

Attached is a video of my result from the tutorial recommended to me during the last class. To be perfectly honest, I still do not quite...

Terrain Generation in Unity

After finalizing projects in GSAS Capstone, and considering the wonderful idea given to me by professor Ruzanka to engage in terrain...

IRCAM Forum 2021

A great forum of talented individuals. The first lecture I attended was with Carmine Cella speaking to mathematic generation of musical...

Ideation for the Coming Months

Attached is a video discussing the compositional process of Olivier Deriviere, a composer who is using Wwise in cool ways in the triple-A...

First Roadblock

For the life of me, I cannot seem to start a modular synth in any of my blueprints. I don't know how sound cues play into it and I don't...

Genesis of an Idea

Created a basic template world and added code to print the players vector in 3D space. Next step is attaching some sort of sound to the...

Self-Organizing Maps and Topography Interpretation

Continuing on the topic of my last post, I'm currently mulling over considering a custom environment made by the player. I could create a...

Musical Sonification of Avatar Physiologies

Upon looking into the ideas explored by Professor Hamilton in his project ECHO:Canyon, a useful list of what was used as input data by...

Spacial Organization in Musical Form

The paper below discusses the implementation of space as a part of musical composition and performance itself. They quote examples from...

Interactive Music

Winifred Phillips' GDC page popped up during a google search, which included a brief inclusion of CALMUS software, which I found on the...

Finite-State Transducers in Musical Accompaniment

This article was fascinating to me because it added to my prior thoughts regarding randomization, but it was less random and more...

Study of Effects

It would be a great connection to game design and environmental composition, and this paper sparks some ideas for me in regards to...

Randomization as a Composition Idea

Considering the possibility of engaging in randomization from the top-down. Upon further thought in regards to what we recently discusses...

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