After finalizing projects in GSAS Capstone, and considering the wonderful idea given to me by professor Ruzanka to engage in terrain generation based on musical input, I've finally decided to begin my tech dive straight into terrain generation in Unity engine. I found a tutorial for basic terrain generation on gamedevacademy's website at the following link:
I am currently hacking my way through this tutorial, making sure I can at least work up to having terrain generated based on basic parameters by the end of this weekend. I've surprised myself on how well I'm keeping up with the script writing, but I am concerned about the future. The creative aspects of the work will be in what parameters of music to use to define the various terrains, but I am not sure how to take musical input and generate terrain in real time. I can go into this in detail later, but the goal of my game for GSAS capstone is for players to composer ideas themselves, and I'll need to figure out how to generate terrain based on those ideas while the player is playing. For now, the following is a screenshot from following the tutorial on my system: